34° North : Move / Heal / Connect
Enjoy the way your body moves.
Appreciate how good your body feels.
Love the way your body looks.
Fitness and self mastery is an aspiration and a journey, not a destination or a fixed point. 34° North is the latitude coordinates of our gym community in Santa Monica, CA. Like the name implies, we represent a navigational setting, one to orient yourself to on your journey.
We teach a simple, effective, and most importantly, holistic way to walk the path. You can expect to attend to movement, breath, awareness and what you put in your body. Once on the path, change is inevitable.
As your guides, we’ll share wisdom, experience, support, community, and some laughs because you can’t lose sight of the fact that we’re doing all this to enjoy our bodies and life.
Levi is a 44 year old father of 5 children ages 4-14 who lost 7% bodyfat and almost 30 lbs during the 9 weeks of the Ancestral Reset. Read about his experience in this interview testimonial about the program.